Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life Is A RollarCoaster

      Life is a Rollarcoaster you start easy but, nothing is the same after that. On, my rollarcoaster there is Ups and Downs, also Loop-De-Loops, Twists and Turns, Lefts and Rights.
      There, on rollarcoasters its fun not in the rollarcoaster of life. The bumps are as rough as rocks, the sharp turns are as sharp as knives, the best parts of the rollarcoasters of life are the beauties like when your hiking up and you look to your side and see such glory and think wow God created this. Also, when you you see something you've never before like a kind of flower or plant or animal that's a beautiful nature in life.Those are the best parts of the rollarcaosters of life.
       The Rollarcoaster in life doesn't go the same speed all the time.What fun is a rollarcoaster that goes one speed all the time like in music you have to make a piece exciting by making it louder and softer in different part.Sometimes the rollarcoaster isn't a horrible thing after all.