Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Daddy Met An Angel

   Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Angel with blonde hair and blue eyes, her name was Ivy. Ivy was one of God's Angels . God sent Ivy to go tell a man named  Jaydon that he needed to know how much God loves him and that he was a part of God's plan. God said " I want proof to show you saw the stars and that you told Jaydon. Even though I know all things I want this to show your obeidience and love for me." Ivy obeyed to what her Father said.
            Ivy started on her journey to tell Jaydon. on the way to earth Ivy saw glittering stars as she was passing by , as she saw them she remembered what her Father said . " I want proof to show you saw the stars and that you told Jaydon, even though I know all I want this to show your obeidience and love for me."        So , Ivy stopped and grabbed a the tinniest star and put it in her pocket.
            As Ivy was getting closer she saw the beautiful land of humans. There was amazing creatures she never saw before , then Ivy remembered she would be the first Angel to tell news and go to Earth ! she was so excited to go to Earth!
           When Ivy got there she saw that not only that God created the whole world but, it was more beautiful then she could ever think of! suddenly, she remembered that these people are humans she needed to put on a disquise . Then, Ivy asked a frail old man "Do you know where I might find Jaydon ". The man answered "I just came back from his house do you want me to show you the way " Ivy nodded.
           As Ivy followed the man to  a beautiful hill side house the man stopped .      " Jaydon likes to have one person at his house at a time so, this is as far as I go."    As Ivy walked up to the door she heard her Father Say "Ring that doorbell ,Ivy and remember I am always with you."
             Ivy followed the instructions. A man opened the door . As the man invited her in ,and to have a seat Ivy began telling her adventure how the Lord was real. Jaydon ,was amazed at how much God loved him and his son died for Jaydon . As the day grew darker Ivy told most of the bible , by that time Jaydon  gave his life to his Father .Ivy told Jaydon " I am an angel of God .He told me that I need to show Him my obeidience and love for Him by bringing to thing .
 1. A Star
2. Something from Earth 
             Jaydon, finally found a  beautiful White Rose . Ivy left late that night to tell her Father the amazing story of Earth . All the way home Ivy thought of her new friend .     
              Jaydon told his Wife and Kids . They told they're Friends and Kids about how they're Dad met an Angel.